CheckoutWC side cart by default allows you to display a ‘Proceed to Checkout’ button and a Continue Shopping button. Sweet.
But what if you want to add a custom button that does something different, or more interesting that just redirecting the user to the checkout page or back to the shop?
You can add a custom button with the cfw_after_side_cart_proceed_to_checkout_button action in CheckoutWC.
Simply, create a function that outputs the button HTML structure, then hook it into the action above mentioned.
Something as follows:
add_action('cfw_after_side_cart_proceed_to_checkout_button', 'obi_custom_side_cart_button');
function obi_custom_side_cart_button(){
echo '<a id="custom_side_cart_button" href="#" style="background:#FF7500" class="cfw-primary-btn cfw-side-cart-checkout-btn"> My Side Cart Custom Button </a>';
The end result: